Shasta Tackle Fish Descender Hook

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Attach to your line, add a weight and drop to your desired depth. It's so simple. The S-shaped hook clip ties directly in line to your bottom rig, the hook pokes through the lower lip of your fish, thus creating an open-mouthed fish ready for the release. Then you pull the line hard, and the fish just slips off the S-pin. Easy.

Effective Jan. 1, 2017, for the Recreational Bottomfish Fishery:

  • NEW—Descending Devices Are Mandatory

  • Any vessel fishing for, or possessing, bottomfish in the ocean must have a functional descending device onboard, and use when releasing any rockfish outside of 30 fathoms.
  • Functional descending device means one that is ready to be used.

  • Simple S-shaped wire hook clip that ties directly in line to a bottom rig
  • Slim in design
  • The hook pokes through the fish’s lower lip, keeping the mouth slightly ajar to allow water across the gills
  • Heavy weight at the terminal end of the rig pulls the fish down
  • Great for smaller fish such as Rockfish, Walleye, Atlantic Black Sea Bass, Lake Trout, Groupers and all species that suffer barotrauma
  • Can handle more than one fish at a time
  • Doesn’t need its own dedicated rod
  • Once the fish reaches a desired depth, quickly snap the line upward to release
  • A heavy jig can replace the bottom weight, or a two-hook rig can be tied above the device
  • An angler can re-compress the fish and catch new fish on the same drop
Proper Release:
  • Ensure the wire hook is tied to the line pointing down
  • Bloated fish must be hooked and placed in the water before the terminal weight is tossed out. This prevents a fish from slipping off.
  • You can rig a sliding egg sinker above the device and place it in the water first, or stick your rod tip in the water first, forcing the S-hook upward until the fish descends.

Effective Jan. 1, 2017, for the Recreational Bottomfish Fishery:

  • NEW—Descending Devices Are Mandatory

  • Any vessel fishing for, or possessing, bottomfish in the ocean must have a functional descending device onboard, and use when releasing any rockfish outside of 30 fathoms.
  • Functional descending device means one that is ready to be used.

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