Outdoor Report 2/27

Outdoor Report 2/27

Fisherman’s Pro Guide, Eric Baird, earlier this week from the lower Willamette River. The delicious fish hit a prawn/spinner combo. Nice job, guys!

Winter Steelhead fishing continues to be great all around the region.  From Northern California into Southwest Washington, anglers are reporting great success for both hatchery and wild Steelhead.  Virtually every river is in good condition, and with little rain in the forecast, a lot of rivers will start to get low and clear.  Fish will still be entering the rivers, however, you may need to alter your tactics to find what the fish are after.  Float fishing jigs, beads or bait will all be effective options when trying to trick low water steelhead.  Side drifting and Bobberdoggin’ are still great options as rivers are still in the in between stages of getting low.  Pulling plugs is another great option as fish start to congregate in deeper water.  Backing down a small Hot Shot or smaller size Mag Lip can be exactly what the doctor ordered.

Spring Chinook are becoming a bigger reality as every week passes.  We are still receiving a few reports of an occasional Springer caught down in the Portland Harbor area.  These fish are going to be suspended, so trolling a flasher with either a cut-plug herring or prawn are going to be a couple of your go-to rigs for chasing these world-renowned fish.  Farther up near Oregon City, there are still a few reports of Springers being caught by the anglers plunking at Meldrum Bar.  The majority of the fish being caught here are wild Steelhead with an occasional hatchery Steelhead and Spring Chinook in the mix.

Catch and release Sturgeon fishing has been killer lately.  With the drop in river height and with less debris coming down, the Sturgeon bite has definitely turned on in the Lower Willamette.  Smelt, herring, sandshrimp and squid have all been working well.

Kokanee fishing has remained excellent up at Merwin Lake.  The fish have been aggressive, and anglers are reporting quite a few boats are finding limits of these delicious fish.  Trolling high in the water column has been the ticket for a lot of anglers, with a few fishermen finding fish just below the surface.  Wedding rings, small Spin-N-Glos, small spinner blades and bright-colored hoochies have all been producing well.

Trout fishing has been a steady option lately.  Lakes are continuing to get stocked and, locally, St. Louis Ponds just got stocked with 1,000 legal trout and are going to be getting another shot of 1,000 trout next week.  With its close proximity to Portland, these lakes make it an ideal location for fishermen that are trying to find a fun place to take the family for a day on the water.

Bottom fishing has been good, especially along the Central Coast.  These delicious fish are quite plentiful and usually there are plenty to go around for everyone.  Your biggest challenge can be the weather, so keep a close eye on the weather station before heading to the coast for a day at the bottom fish grounds.  Large curly tail grubs and shrimp flies have been the most popular lure choices lately.

Crabbing has still been a great option.  Both Nehalem and Tillamook Bay provide great crabbing year-round.  So make sure to bring some pots with you to soak while you are headed out bottom fishing or even if you just want a day on the water crabbing.

Some anglers have been taking advantage of the nice weather we have been having and have been chasing after surf perch.  These pan-sized fish are a super fun way to spend a few hours in the surf.  These fish are mainly fished for on an incoming tide, so plan your day around the tides and you are sure to find some success.  Sand shrimp or Berkley Gulp Sand Worms are the two best bait options.

Always be sure to check local regulations at ODFW and WDFW before heading out. Find reports and two most widely used baits, information on the Fisherman's Community page.