Outdoor Report 12/12

Outdoor Report 12/12

Customer Bob Vinje caught this awesome broodstock steelhead last season while fishing with Fisherman’s Pro Guide, Dan Dieter. Winter Steelhead like this are beginning to show throughout the great Northwest, and fishing will only get better in the coming weeks. Visit any of our three stores and check out our killer selection of Steelhead gear, and be sure to speak to our Tackle Associates for tips and techniques on how to tie into your own winter chrome!(Deet’s Guide Service: 503-842-1440.)

Winter Steelhead fishing is just starting, with the first few fish being caught locally and at the coast. These fish are going to be coming in fresh from the ocean and ready to snap. Jigs, Pink worms, beads, spinners, spoons and bait will all work well as these fish aren’t overly picky. Getting a good presentation can make all of the difference, especially when the water is low. Folks that have been targeting Steelhead have been catching some late Coho this year. Now, the majority of them have been wild, but having action all day definitely makes for a fun day on the water. These fish have been biting pink worms, hardware and bait for most anglers.

Catch and release Sturgeon fishing has been good for the anglers that have been targeting them. The slow water of the Portland Harbor has been producing well with anglers reporting constant action, once you find out where the fish are stacked up. Smelt, squid and sand shrimp have been some of the most productive baits this past week.

All along the coast the crabbing continues to be productive, especially along the North Coast. Crabbers have been reporting good success with a lot of really nice keepers in the mix.

Fishermen that have been spending some time along the jetties have been finding success as well. Greenling, Perch and Bass are just a few of the many types of Rockfish that inhabit these rocky structures. Sand shrimp fished along the bottom has been working well, especially for the Greenling and Perch. Another bait to try are the Berkley Gulp Sandworms. These baits work well for all Rockfish, however Perch and Greenling really love them. Curly tail grubs and spinners have been working well for anglers targeting Black Rockfish.

Bottom fishing has been good for fishermen that have been heading out into the ocean. Lingcod and Rockfish have been in great numbers with a lot of anglers reporting boat limits. As always, check your local weather reports as well as the wind and wave reports. It’s always good to be fully prepared as the weather can change at the drop of a hat. Vertical jigs, P-Line Rock Cod rigs and large curly tail grubs have all been catching fish.

Razor clamming at Long Beach and along the Oregon coast, from Seaside North, has been really good. The last opener at Long Beach folks reported great success with a lot of people taking their limits in 30 minutes! Currently there are Clam digs scheduled on various Washington Beaches through December 16th. Check @ any of our stores for details!

Always be sure to check local regulations at ODFW and WDFW before heading out. Find reports and two most widely used baits, information on the Fisherman's Community page.