Fishing report 12-27

Fishing report 12-27

Winter Steelhead is off and running with anglers finding a few fish along coastal rivers. These early fish are some of the most pure-looking Steelhead of the season. With clear fins, ultra chrome sides and an attitude to match, there is nothing quite like a December Winter Steelhead. These fish are usually very willing biters with fish being taken on Floats and Jigs, Worms or Bait, Bobberdoggin Eggs or Beads, or Casting Spinners. You can also run an “old school” drift-fishing rig through a likely holding spot. 

Catch-and-Release Sturgeon fishing is a fun winter-time activity. A cooler full of snacks, a thermos full of coffee or cocoa, and a bait-box full of Herring or Sand Shrimp will have you set for a fun day on the water. Targeting these prehistoric dinosaurs in the deep, slow, water of the Portland Harbor is always a good bet. These spots are perfect areas for food to fall into those deep-water holes. 

Bottom-fishing is another great option during the winter. Often you will see some very large Ling Cod in the mix. Vertical jigs, Shrimp Flies and Swim-baits will all be effective lures. 

Crabbing remains an excellent option for folks looking for a fun family activity. Kids can be a lot of help and they usually enjoy getting in the mix of baiting pots, pulling pots, sorting Crab and setting pots. 

Razor Clamming has been productive at Long Beach the past few days. WDFW gave us a four-day season from the 26th through the 29th just before the end of 2023. Look for future dates to pop up as we head into 2024. 

Kokanee fishing is also a stellar Winter-time choice. These plentiful and delicious land-locked Kokanee are typically high up in the water column which helps eliminate the need for downriggers. This makes this a viable fishery for anyone with a Power Boat. Trolling a Dodger with any number of small, flashy, lures behind it, is the recipe for success. Add in a kernel or two of Shoe-peg Corn and the Kokanee won’t be able to stop following your boat! 

Waterfowl hunting has been great for many folks around the region. Fisherman’s Pro, Ted Teufel, has been having a heck of a season chasing coastal waterfowl before he starts his Winter Steelhead season. Look for Ducks and Geese to continue to be up and moving as we continue to get nasty weather.